HRSD Pump Station Upgrades


--Daytime Construction to Begin--


HRSD, your regional wastewater treatment utility, is beginning mechanical work and pipe installations at an HRSD pump station in your vicinity, located at 1109 Keats Street in Chesapeake. Generators and standby pumps will be upgraded. This work should take place primarily between the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday and occasionally on a Saturday. All work will take place within the property lines of the HRSD Sewer Pump Station. The activities surrounding this work will bring in construction personnel, vehicles, equipment, materials, and increased noise levels during working hours.


  • You may notice an increase in work crews in the area.
  • This work should not affect your water or sewer services.
  • Should the hours of work or impact on immediate surroundings change, we will distribute update notices.


While our project team works diligently to minimize impacts, you may notice increased noise, traffic, and heavy equipment (with back-up safety alarms) associated with construction. Please take care when traveling around the construction area and for your safety, do not enter the site. Due to the nature of construction, work is weather and situation dependent and dates are subject to change.

Thank you for your support of this effort to help achieve HRSD's vision:

Future generations will inherit clean waterways and be able to keep them clean.


Should you have any questions or comments, you may contact:

HRSD Public Information Specialist:

Lisa Bolen
(757) 460-7000

Bridgeman Civil Project Manager:

Laurence Wallace
(757) 304-1577

Bridgeman Civil Construction Manager (Emergency Concerns):

Pat Conley
(757) 232-2389