
HRSD's Approach to Managing PFAS

What are PFAS?

Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly called PFAS, are man-made compounds that can be found in a variety of household and commercial items. Research surrounding human health impacts, accurate measurements of PFAS, and available treatment technologies is still emerging. HRSD has a multi-faceted approach to managing PFAS that is centered around reducing sources of PFAS to our treatment plants, implementing technologies that can remove PFAS from SWIFT water, and fostering PFAS research.

PFAS have been in use since the 1940s and are found in a wide range of products used by consumers because they are resistant to heat, water, and oils (Figure 1).



Figure 1: Products potentially containing PFAS


Water Droplet

Source Control

Learn more about how HRSD works with local industries to minimize PFAS sources to our treatment plants.


Water Droplets

Treatment Technologies

Learn more about how PFAS are removed from SWIFT Water™.




Learn more about the wastewater, water reuse, and biosolids research being conducted at HRSD.



What Can You Do?

Learn more about what you can do to help reduce your PFAS footprint.