Report a Spill

HRSD must be immediately notified of any slug discharge. Slug discharges include any discharge at a flow rate or concentration which could cause a violation of the prohibited discharge standards in the General Pretreatment Regulations (9 VAC 25-31-770 and 40 CFR 403) in the Code of Federal Regulations.

Industrial users are required to notify HRSD of any spills or subsequent changes that could affect the potential for a slug discharge (i.e. new chemical storage areas, process changes, etc.).

Contact HRSD with the following information:
     What spilled?
     Where did it spill?
     Was it contained?
     Volume of Spill
     When did it spill?
     What happened?

HRSD Pretreatment and Pollution Prevention (P3) Department Contact List

Notification Calls must be made in the order listed until an HRSD representative is reached and spoken to.

Office Hours:
1. Current HRSD Inspector
2. HRSD P3 Office: 757.460.7045
3. HRSD Main Office: 757.460.2261
   (select option 9, Operator, ask for Pretreatment & Pollution Prevention (P3))

After Hours:
South Hampton Roads: 757.460.3200
Peninsula: 757.874.3979
Middle Peninsula: 877.261.8411

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