The HRSD Engineering Department was created in 1987 to better manage the growing infrastructure needs of the organization. Since the inception of the Engineering Department, it has been our goal to rely on both the region’s consulting and contracting community to provide needed support to supplement the capabilities of HRSD staff.

As an extension of our staff, we expect consultants and contractors to work collaboratively to find the best solution to a problem or issue. We expect our consultants to be technically competent and strive for innovative solutions. We expect the project team to deliver a quality project. We define quality as consistently meeting or exceeding customer expectations. A quality project must strike a balance between budget, schedule and quality. Open, honest and effective communication is essential for success. We expect our staff, and therefore our consultants/contractors, to keep our Vision in mind as we plan, design and construct needed infrastructure. This Vision is; “Future Generations will inherit clean waterways and be able to keep them clean.”

A great project is only possible if we have competent contractors to implement the design intent. This requires a team approach and a mindset of collaboration. On large projects we often use the process of Partnering to assure project success. The concept of Partnering is built on the foundational areas of content, procedures and relationships. Partnering strives to build an environment of trust between all parties. Although we typically use formal Partnering on large projects, the concepts inherent in this approach are applied to all projects. Trust is built on integrity, communication and a clear understanding of the expectations and needs of all team members. These concepts are not new but can be easily forgotten as difficult challenges arise during the delivery of projects.

At the end of the day, we are a team. There can be no losers. We should look to find ways to meet the goals of each respective team member while delivering on the infrastructure needs of HRSD. The ratepayers of HRSD expect that we will do these things and we must deliver!


2024 Standards

Summary of Major Revisions in the April 2024 edition of the HRSD Design and Construction Standards

Cover Page for 2024 Publication

Table of Contents

Standards Subcommittees

Standards Committee Member Expectations

Notice to Designers and Users of these HRSD Design and Construction Standards: Please coordinate with HRSD before using these Standards to verify if any updates have occurred to any section of these published Standards such that any updated sections or details can be made available upon request to the responsible HRSD Project Manager. Engineers / Architects who are designing development related sanitary sewer infrastructure projects that will be owned, operated and maintained by HRSD upon completion are to request updates to these published Standards at


Download the HRSD Design and Construction Standards in its entirety


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