Willard Avenue Pump Station & Sewer Replacement



HRSD, your regional wastewater treatment utility, in coordination with the City of Hampton, is planning a project in your neighborhood to replace the existing HRSD Willard Avenue Pump station and gravity sewer lines that are nearing the end of their useful life. The pump station will be located at the corner of Willard Avenue and Downes Street, and the gravity sewer work will be on Willard Avenue between National Avenue and E. Kelly Avenue. This project will improve the system’s performance and ensure continued, reliable sewer service in the future. The answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are provided here.

Project Overview

The project includes replacing the existing Willard Avenue Pump Station located at 219 National Avenue and associated gravity sewer. The new pump station, located at the corner of S. Willard Avenue and Downes Street, will resolve capacity, operational, and maintenance issues currently affecting the existing pump station. The gravity sewer on Willard Avenue from National Avenue to Downes Street will be replaced to redirect flow and resolve Infiltration and Inflow issues. When the new pump station is completed, the existing pump station will be removed, and the existing site will be returned to green space. Additional gravity sewer work will be completed along Willard Avenue between Downes Street and E. Kelly Avenue to resolve similar infiltration and inflow issues.

To view a virtual presentation explaining the project, please visit www.hrsd.com/WillardAve-VirtualPresentation


Project Schedule
Staging: October 2022
Construction: Fall 2022 - Spring 2025
Restoration: Immediately following construction when seasonably appropriate

Please visit https://www.hrsd.com/willard-avenue-pump-station-and-sewer-replacement for additional information and project updates.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about the project, please feel free to contact Lisa Bolen, HRSD Public Information Specialist, at 757.460.7000 or LBolen@hrsd.com.

Thank you for your support of this effort to help achieve HRSD's vision: Future generations will inherit clean waterways and be able to keep them clean.