The HRSD Environmental Reporting System (HERS) is a web-based information system that allows eligible industrial users to electronically submit reports and permit applications to HRSD's P3 Division.

The system follows U.S. EPA guidelines established in its electronic reporting rule, CROMERR (Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule) and includes all necessary legal, security and electronic signature functionality to serve as a paperless reporting system.


How to enroll

Follow these steps to enroll in HERS:

  1. Create a user account using the Account Registration Instructions or find step-by-step instructions in the HERS User Account Creation training video.
  2. Complete and sign the Electronic Signature Agreement following the ESA Instructions and mail to HRSD.
  3. HRSD reviews Electronic Signature Agreement. If complete and accurate, HRSD will associate the facilities in Section B.2 to the user account.


Forgot your Password, PIN or Security Q&As?

Click here for instructions on how to reset.



Please contact our support team if you have questions regarding the HRSD Environmental Reporting System (HERS). Our support team is available M-F, 7 AM – 3 PM.

Phone: 757.460.7041