Development Services Review Process

The following HRSD forms and supporting documents applicable to each project are required in order to process your request:

Project Information Form
Without exception, all persons must fill out and submit a completed form to the HRSD Hydraulic Capacity Section (HCS). This form must be accompanied by a GIS or other computer digital generated map to indicate project location, and sewer flow path to the Locality public sewer system and/or the point of entry to the HRSD interceptor system.

HRSD's Sanitary Sewer Flow Calculations Worksheet
This worksheet must be filled out for all projects generating sanitary sewer flow and must be submitted along with the Project Information Form. Projects with one single/duplex residential dwelling are exempt from this requirement.

Pressure Analysis Request Form
This form must be submitted to our office if the project calls for:

  • new pump station
  • upgrades and/or modifications of an existing pump station facility with a discharge point to a locality pressured force main or to an HRSD force main interceptor
  • pump station replacement

Flow Acceptance Request Form
This form must be completed and signed by Locality authorized representative and submit to HCS. Requests submitted by others will not be processed.

This flow acceptance certificate is good for a period of five years from the date of issuance, provided that the site plan approval for the project is current. If the project has not been constructed and a certificate to operate (CTO) has not been issued within this timeframe, the flow acceptance will be null and void.

Pump Station Information Form
This form must be completed and submitted to our office for all projects which include sanitary sewer pump station work. Projects with private grinder pump stations servicing a single residential dwelling or a commercial property, and the discharge outfall is at a Locality gravity collection system, are exempt from this requirement.

Site Plans
A full set of engineering plans must be submitted to HCS for review and approval if at least one of the following project parameters applies:

  • A new (private or public) pump station facility with pressured connection to a Locality or HRSD force main interceptor
  • A new (private or public) pump station facility with a direct discharge connection to an HRSD gravity main interceptor
  • Replacement and/or modifications to an existing pump station facility, which discharges directly to a Locality force main or HRSD's interceptor system
  • Proposed land disturbance and improvements are in direct conflict or proximity with HRSD's interceptor infrastructure. These land disturbances are part of but not limited to VDOT or Locality roadway improvements (repaving, expansion, restoration, new), drainage improvements, and private utility installation such as gas, power, telecommunications, cable, etc., residential subdivisions, commercial and industrial site plans
  • Utility crossings over/under HRSD's interceptor infrastructure
  • Proposed improvements encroach into an HRSD dedicated utility easement
  • Public Road closure (if there is HRSD infrastructure involved)

NOTE: Site plans must be in PDF format. Any changes to the project design will require a revised submittal for reapproval.

Review Response Time
For project within the Hampton Roads service area, please allow 15 working days for review and comment from the day a complete request was submitted to HCS. Requests without sufficient documentation will not be processed until all required information is provided. Please note that the 15 working day review time begins anew with each project resubmittal.