Great Bridge Boulevard Sanitary Sewer Improvements



HRSD, your regional wastewater treatment utility, in coordination with the City of Chesapeake, is planning a project in your neighborhood to replace the existing HRSD and City sanitary sewer pipelines and public sewer service connections that are nearing the end of their useful life. This replacement project will also improve the system’s performance and ensure continued, reliable sewer service in the future. The answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are provided here.

Project Overview

The project consists of the installation of sewer pipeline that ranges in various sizes from 8 inches to 24 inches. Both gravity sewer pipes and force main sewer pipes will be installed as well as the installation of precast manholes and the rehabilitation of other manholes. Additionally, a 42-inch guided auger bore under the railroad will occur. A guided bore allows pipeline to be guided into place underground without cutting open the road above it, so the railroad will remain undisturbed. Some sanitary sewer lateral replacement and reconnections will occur as well. The existing pipe, manholes, and pump station outfall that are no longer needed will be abandoned in place. This means the abandoned pipes will be filled with a cementitious-like material so they can remain underground. This prevents more area from having to be dug up and disturbed. Pavement restoration of the affected roadways will occur once the sewer installation is complete. These improvements will replace aging infrastructure, increase capacity, and improve performance within HRSD’s sanitary sewer system.


Project Schedule
Staging: April 2023
Construction: Spring 2023 - Spring 2025
Restoration: Immediately following construction when seasonably appropriate

You also may visit for additional information and project updates.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about the project, please feel free to contact Lisa Bolen, HRSD Public Information Specialist, at 757.460.7000 or

Thank you for your support of this effort to help achieve HRSD's vision: Future generations will inherit clean waterways and be able to keep them clean.