SWIFT is an innovative water treatment project in eastern Virginia designed to further protect the region’s environment, enhance the sustainability of the region’s long-term groundwater supply and help address environmental pressures such as Chesapeake Bay restoration, sea level rise and saltwater intrusion.
SWIFT takes highly treated water that would otherwise be discharged into the Elizabeth, James or York rivers and puts it through additional rounds of advanced water treatment to meet drinking water quality standards. The SWIFT Water is then added to the Potomac Aquifer, the primary source of groundwater throughout eastern Virginia.

Good to Know

Our water is too valuable to waste. SWIFT provides a sustainable resource to replenish groundwater for generations to come.  

Request a Tour

The SWIFT Research Center is now open and replenishing the Potomac Aquifer with up to one million gallons of drinking water quality SWIFT Water daily. Visit SWIFT



A Forward Looking Solution

Water Droplet

SWIFT Water®

SWIFT’s Advanced Water Treatment Process produces drinking water quality SWIFT Water™ through a multi-step disinfection process that is used throughout the country and the world.

Water Droplets


Groundwater is being used in eastern Virginia at rates faster than it can be naturally replaced. Adding SWIFT Water back into the ground will replenish this natural resource and protect the Potomac Aquifer from further damage caused by overuse.



SWIFT will give our communities a sustainable source of groundwater. This resource will support our economy by providing businesses with the water they need to operate.




Taking water out of the ground at the current rate has led to sinking of land, or land subsidence, in some parts of eastern Virginia. This makes us more vulnerable to rising sea levels and the associated impacts.

Replenishing the aquifer with HRSD’s SWIFT Water can help slow or even reverse the sinking of land due to withdrawal. Scientists believe that overuse of the aquifer causes about 25 percent of the sinking of land in parts of eastern Virginia.

Replenishing our overdrawn aquifer can improve the environment and help our communities adapt to rising seas, contributing to the resiliency of our region.

Restoring the health and productivity of the Chesapeake Bay largely depends on reducing the amount of nutrients and sediment that enter Chesapeake Bay waters.

Upon completion, HRSD’s SWIFT Water™ is projected to effectively eliminate up to 90 percent of HRSD’s discharge to local waters. This will reduce the total amount of nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen reaching the receiving streams, and ultimately, the Bay.

Witness our Advanced Water Treatment and how we replenish the Potomac Aquifer at our SWIFT Research Center

The extensive and systematic steps of SWIFT’s Carbon-Based Advanced Water Treatment Process ensure that SWIFT Water is reliable and protective of our groundwater resources.

Our water is carefully and continuously monitored to meet strict drinking water safety standards.

At the SWIFT Research Center, scientists and engineers will treat up to one million gallons of water each day to meet drinking water quality standards and demonstrate safely adding it to the Potomac Aquifer.

Celebrating the Opening of the SWIFT Research Center!

What Others Are Saying

Why is SWIFT good for the Bay? Check out this 'SWIFT Remark' by Ted Henifin.

Can you imagine a day without water? Read more to find out how SWIFT fits into the national effort to ensure nobody goes a day without reliable water and wastewater service.

Hear from the experts behind SWIFT and learn more about its many benefits here.