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Showing Appreciation To Our Water Heroes On Wastewater Professionals Day

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on June 28, 2024

We're celebrating Virginia Drinking Water and Wastewater Professionals Day this week! 

Wastewater professionals are essential to ensuring communities have access to clean water and a safe environment. Today, we take a moment to recognize their invaluable contributions to our communities on Wastewater Professionals Day.

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On The Scene of a 31,000-ft Pipe Installation Under the James River

Written by Shawn Maxfield,
Published on May 22, 2024


HRSD has over 40 projects across the Hampton Roads areas, many consisting of pipe installation on land, which can be tricky at times. But imagine trying to install a pipe underwater! As part of the Boat Harbor Treatment Plant Conversion and Transmission project, Garney Construction took on this challenge.

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Navigating Uncharted Waters: Sewage Spill Response: It’s in our DNA. 

Written by Hunter White,
Published on January 29, 2024


For those of us who cherish the waters of Hampton Roads, the very thought of a sewage spill can be unsettling. But did you know that with sensitive DNA technology, HRSD scientists are able to safeguard the health of our waterways?

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HRSD Engineers are Reshaping The Future! 4 Innovative Engineering Projects In Hampton Roads

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on March 28, 2024

elbow road prs

Every year HRSD celebrates Engineers week and the importance of Engineering in shaping the future. This year, Engineers Week was celebrated February 18 – 24, 2024. Engineering is the cornerstone of human progress, continually propelling us forward and creating innovative solutions to problems around the world.

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Protecting the James River Treatment Plant: Strengthening Shorelines and Enhancing Community Access to Parks

Written by Courtney Kubu , AECOM (guest contributor)
Published on February 29, 2024

The James River Treatment Plant leads the way as the first HRSD plant to undergo renovations, advancing toward a more sustainable future initiated by the Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow (SWIFT) program.

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Celebrating World Wetlands Day

Written by Brantley Bissette, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on February 1, 2024

A wetland at sunset

Did you know that Virginia has over one million acres of wetlands?

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Meet My 3 Kitchen Besties! How I Reduce My Waste in the Kitchen

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on December 27, 2023


Whether it’s grabbing snacks for lunches and baseball practices or making dinners that my kids most likely won’t eat (if you know, you know!), I find myself in the kitchen a lot. With the extra time in the kitchen, I realized I was creating extra waste as well.

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Last-Minute Gift Shopping? Consider these Eco-Friendly Options!

Written by Brantley Bissette, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on December 15, 2023

A used bird field guide.

We’re already thick into the holiday season, and although gifts for loved ones are already piling up under trees, tucked away in closets or crammed into mailboxes, the hunt for those last-minute gifts continues for many of us.

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Romaine Calm!! Here’s What You Can Do to Cut Back on Food Waste

Written by Micaela Griffin, P3 Specialist
Published on November 17, 2023

Thanksgiving dinner

With the holidays quickly approaching, we have some delicious meals to look forward to, not to mention all of the leftovers and extra ingredients. Throughout the year, we might find ourselves accidentally buying or preparing more food than we can enjoy before it spoils.

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Fighting Flooding

Written by Brantley Bissette, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on October 26, 2023

2023 has been an above average hurricane season.

In the latter half of an above-average Atlantic Hurricane season, storms including Hurricane Lee and Tropical Storm Ophelia brought persistent storm surge and coastal flooding to eastern Virginia. Behind only the notoriously beleaguered New Orleans, Hampton Roads is the most at-risk community to relative sea level rise in the United States.

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3 Animals that Depend on a Clean Chesapeake Bay: Wildlife in the Chesapeake Bay

Written by Brantley Bissette, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on September 28, 2023

Chesapeake Bay

The Chesapeake Bay is a Mecca for coastal wildlife, ranging from the regal Bald Eagle to the iconic blue crab. The nation’s largest estuary, the Bay serves as a critical nursery, seasonal foraging grounds, and permanent residence for a vast array of birds, fish, and other wildlife.

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Reduce, Reuse, REGROW! My Experience Growing My Own Lettuce

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on July 25, 2023

Growing lettuce

Don’t throw away your salad just yet!

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Which Type of Bag is Best For The Environment?

Written by Lenzie Ward, P3 Specialist
Published on June 14, 2023

reusable bag zero waste store

 Which Type Of Bag Is Best For The Environment? And Why?

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Infrastructure Works: Surry and Eastern Shore Project Highlights

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on May 15, 2023

United for Infrastructure Week 2023

Happy Infrastructure Week! 

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Here's Exactly How To Make Your Spring Cleaning More Sustainable

Written by Lenzie Ward, P3 Specialist
Published on April 12, 2023

sustainable cleaning

Spring is here, the sun is shining, the house is clean, and we are going to learn some tips for sustainable spring cleaning! These tips will help you to make more sustainable cleaning choices to protect you and the environment.

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Celebrating Engineer’s Week: Get To Know Our Engineers

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on February 17, 2023

Celebrating Engineers Week

Engineer's Week offers an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of engineering and highlight those who are currently in or pursing a career in engineering.

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Sustainable Gift Wrapping Tips and Tricks To Reduce Waste This Holiday

Written by Lenzie Ward, P3 Specialist
Published on December 16, 2022

gift wrapping with Furoshiki Wrap

Ho ho ho-ow can we make the holidays more sustainable? 

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Here Are Our Best Tips For Sustainable Party Planning

Written by Lenzie Ward, P3 Specialist
Published on November 28, 2022

Holiday Party

As the holidays approach,  there is so much planning to do! Presents, costumes, dinner parties, brunches, and birthday parties.

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How Individual Actions Can Help Make a Difference: Celebrating the value of water

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on October 25, 2022

Imagine A Day Without Water Photos

We’re raising of glass (of water) to the 8th annual Imagine a Day Without Water. Imagine a Day Without Water is a National Day of Action that raises awareness about the value of water. This year, The Value of Water is challenging communities to increase water awareness.

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Halloween Doesn't Have to be Scary For the Environment: Tips for an Eco Friendly Halloween

Written by Lisa Bolen, HRSD Public Information Specialist
Published on October 12, 2022

Halloween Pumpkin Face

Fall is my favorite time of year, and Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.

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3 Sustainable Shopping Food Tips to Make Your Kitchen More Eco Friendly

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on September 15, 2022

sustainable shopping food tips

This blog was contributed by Deb Kopecky - Wellness Specialist for HRSD

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Learning about our Amazing Aquifer! What is the Potomac Aquifer?

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on August 24, 2022

Groundwater from Wells

Water is everywhere in Hampton Roads. In fact, there is so much water in Hampton Roads, we often have to cross a bridge or drive through a tunnel to travel from city to city.

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Understanding the Impact of Balloon Releases: Sustainable Alternatives to Balloons

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on June 27, 2022

balloon release

When I graduated college, I remember one of the most anticipated parts of the ceremony was walking across the lawn. The tradition was for each graduate to carry as many balloons as possible to help their family identify them in the crowd.

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How Sunscreens Impact Marine Life

Written by Lenzie Ward, P3 Specialist
Published on May 5, 2022

How sunscreen impacts marine life

Have you ever forgotten your sunscreen on a beach day and left the beach looking like a lobster?

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WANT TO WORK FOR WATER? Become a Pretreatment and Pollution Prevention Specialist (P3 Specialist)

Published on September 9, 2020

Chesapeake Bay Image

​We know that when we flush the toilet, the waste doesn’t just go “away”. Instead, it comes to one of HRSD’s 16 treatment plants. HRSD cleans the dirty water that travels from the homes of over 1.9 million residents in Hampton Roads.

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Can you recycle your Christmas packaging?

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on December 21, 2021

Christmas Tree

Once the stockings are hung and Santa has given all the boys and girls their gifts, what do you do with all the packing and wrapping paper these thoughtful gifts came in? With the busyness of unwrapping all the gifts and collecting all the trash, it is easy to mix all the materials and not realize which items are recyclable and which aren’t.

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15 Easy Elf on the Shelf Ideas: Wastewater Approved!

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on December 14, 2021

Elf cover photo

There is so much buzz and excitement around Christmas time, especially when it comes to Elf on the Shelf. Is your family team Elf on the Shelf?

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What Not To Flush | Toilet Tales With A Toddler

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on November 30, 2021

toilet paper in toilet

Now that I’m a mom of a toddler, the word “no” is used pretty frequently in my household. 

toddler and baby at toilet
“No, you can’t go outside without your jacket.”

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Celebrating Halloween H20: 3 ways to save water this Halloween

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on October 26, 2021

Pumpkin in water

Halloween H20 is the seventh Halloween movie of the classic Halloween film series starring Michael Myers. This movie takes place 20 years later, giving it the shortened name Halloween H20. Or, as my husband would call it – the best Halloween movie of all time – his words, not mine.

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Seriously, Can You Imagine A Day Without Water?

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on October 25, 2021

Imagine A Day Without Water Photos

This year on October 21, groups all over the country came together to educate their communities and find solutions to combat a rapidly changing climate and aging infrastructure.

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There is No Planet B

Published on May 10, 2021

Photo of Earth

This blog post is contributed by Christene Mitchell, HRSD Condition Assessment Manager and Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist

 Have you ever heard the saying “there is no planet B”? Do you know what that means?

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Why Landfills Should Be the Last Resort: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle first!

Published on May 10, 2021

landfill photo

Written by Lisa Bolen, HRSD Public Information Specialist

Have you ever seen a landfill? Have you ever smelled a landfill? No? Have you seen the movie WALL-E? I collected wastewater samples out of sewer manholes for 13 years, and I can tell you I prefer that smell to the smell of a landfill. It is rancid!

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3 Things I Realized During Earth Hour

Published on April 22, 2021

Earth Hour - Light Bulb

Blog contributed by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Outreach and Education Specialist

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Putting Trash In Its Place For One Month Straight! HRSD April Community Cleanups

Written by Lisa Bolen, HRSD Public Information Specialist
Published on May 5, 2021

cleanup bags


During the month of April, HRSD’s Sustainable Environment Advocacy (SEA) team organized a community cleanup at a different location every Saturday. Earth Day is April 22nd after all, so why not do some good by cleaning up public areas that are susceptible to litter?  

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A look at an HRSD Sustainable Infrastructure Project: Cambi THP

Written by Lacie Wever, HRSD Community Education and Outreach Specialist
Published on May 5, 2021

People at Cambi THP


There is more to infrastructure than roads and bridges. In fact, infrastructure is defined as the basic physical and organization structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise (Oxford Languages). 

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The Sustainable Closet

Written by Christel Dyer, Chief of Treatment at Atlantic/Boat Harbor/Nansemond Treatment Plant
Published on April 22, 2021

Clothes on Clothing Rack


Out with the old and unused, and in with the secondhand gently used!

Spring is a time for deep cleaning, decluttering, and bringing more sustainability into our lives.  Last month, I decided to finally go through my entire wardrobe, shoes and all, and get rid of the items that I had not worn within the last year. 

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Menstrual Products…Healthier Choices for You and the Environment

Published on April 22, 2020

Women Comparing Box of Tampons - From Canva

Let’s talk about a subject that a lot of the population deals with but not a lot of people talk about: menstrual products.  The subject is not talked about often, and that has contributed to the lack of knowledge being shared about the tremendous impact disposable

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How To Make Eco-Friendly Cleaners at Home

Published on July 17, 2020

DIY Cleaner Canva Photo

Spring is just around the corner, and it’s time to gear up for the annual deep clean. Often called Spring Cleaning, now is the time to declutter, organize and remove the accumulated dust and grime from your home.

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How to Celebrate Water on Earth Day!

Published on April 7, 2021

Photo of Earth and Water Splashing

My almost two-year-old son is a HUGE fan of water. In fact, it is difficult for me to do dishes without him insisting to “help dishes.” By “help dishes” he means splash in water while I do all the work. Seeing him happily enjoy playing with water gave me the idea to incorporate water appreciation this Earth Day!

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Celebrate Engineers Week with HRSD!

Published on February 12, 2021

Engineers Week Official Flyer

What is an engineer? What do engineers do? 

Engineers create, dream, and invent; they also solve problems every day. The work we do at HRSD heavily depends on the creativity and practical solutions of our engineers. 

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Celebrating Black History Month through men and women in STEM

Published on February 2, 2021

Black History Month

STEM is important to us at HRSD. Without Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, we would be unable to protect public health and the waters of Hampton Roads.

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HRSD continues outreach and education through virtual experiences

Published on January 12, 2021

Virtual Student Learning

The COVID-19 global pandemic has caused dramatic changes for everyone in the last year.

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What is like to be a P3 Technician at HRSD? Interviews with employees from our Water Quality Department!

Published on December 21, 2020

Water Sample

Water is life. We need clean water for everything we do in our daily lives. Experts say humans could not live more than four days without water! In addition, access to clean water and sanitation is essential to our public health, especially during our current COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Why use cloth diapers?

Published on December 14, 2020

Babies in cloth diapers

Why Cloth Diapers? 

When you think of cloth diapers, what comes to mind? Old sheets, clothes pins, poop explosions? These are all valid associations with cloth diapers, only they’re not exactly relevant anymore. 

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The Best Ways to Keep Your Garbage Disposal Clean

Published on December 14, 2020

Food In Sink

I recently watched a YouTube video where the homeowner placed her leftover food down the garbage disposal before proceeding to clean the rest of her kitchen. I cringed as I scrolled down to the comments section as eager viewers responded with words of affirmation like “I do this too!” 

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Which is better for the environment? A real Christmas tree or an artificial Christmas tree?

Published on December 11, 2020

Christmas Tree Down

Which is better…real or artificial?

Let’s talk about the pros and cons of Christmas trees!

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Imagine A Day Without Wastewater Treatment

Published on October 30, 2020

Imagine A Day Without Water Photo Collage

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 recognized Imagine A Day Without Water. 

If you consider yourself a resident of the 757, you already know Hampton Roads is a water-rich region. This means that we can often take for granted our access to clean water. We never have to question where our water comes from or where it goes when it is dirty.

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Work For Water as a TSD Technician

Published on October 27, 2020

HRSD employees looking at water

The Hampton Roads Sanitation District employs over 800 environmentally minded people who serve almost 2 million residents in Hampton Roads. HRSD began in 1940 with one mission – to protect public health and the waters of Hampton Roads by treating wastewater effectively.

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Rebuilding Better Through Innovation: Providence Road Projects

Published on September 17, 2020

Providence Road Done Capture

If you drive along I-64 near the Indian River Road interchange or along Providence Road, you may notice a lot of infrastructure projects under construction at the City of Virginia Beach’s Woodstock Park!

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HRSD’s Asset Management is getting SMART

Published on September 14, 2020

IWeek Highlight Photo

HRSD’s mission is to protect public health and the waters of Hampton Roads by treating wastewater effectively.

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WANT TO WORK FOR WATER? Become a TSD Specialist (Hydrologist)

Published on August 21, 2020

HRSD VIP Treatment Plant

Do you enjoy learning about environmental science? Does learning something new at work every day interest you? Have you ever collected samples for lab testing or used lab results to draw conclusions? Would you like to incorporate chemistry, biology, geology, and/or geography into your job every day

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How to conserve water, even in the Summer

Published on April 23, 2020

Canva - Summer Written in Sand

Imagine waking up on a hot summer day…the sun is shining, there is a light warm breeze, and if you’re in Virginia, when you walk outside, you are greeted by a wall of humidity that immediately breaks you out in a sweat.

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Help protect your local waterways! Stop littering COVID-19 PPE in storm drains and the wastewater system

Published on July 9, 2020

Why Recycling Right Matters More Than Recycling Everything

Published on April 22, 2020

Recycling Symbol on Cell Phone - Canva

If you recycle, there is a thought that has probably crossed your mind: “I’m going to recycle as much as I can because recycling is helpful for the environment!” It is true that recycling is helpful for the environment, BUT (you knew there was a but coming, right?) just like in sports, ther

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Why FOG Should be Your First Focus

Published on April 17, 2020

Clog Free Drain

Imagine waking up in the early morning and stepping out onto your back porch with a hot cup of coffee, steam rising lazily into the air. You stare into the distance, a dense fog lightly hanging over the trees. There is a peaceful and surreal quality about your surroundings.

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50 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day While Still Practicing Social Distancing

Published on April 14, 2020

Earth Day Network 50th Year Earth Day

With the current pandemic, Earth Day will look much different than year’s past. Although there will not be any events, fairs, or rallies, we still have an opportunity to celebrate our Earth. April 22, 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.

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